Graham Rees作品集

 昨年亡くなったGraham Rees (1944-2009) はベイコンの物質理論をはじめて体系的に調査し、同分野を研究をするうえでは必ず参照されるべき多くの論文を残しています。また、スペディングらによる『全集』が出版された後に発見された『死の道について De viis mortis』の草稿を編集し出版しています。これらの成果を踏まえて現在刊行中のオックスフォードフランシス・ベイコン著作集シリーズの編集に中心的な役割を果たしました。

  • "The Dating of Bacon's Phaenomena universi," Notes and Queries 17 (1970): 246-47.
  • "Francis Bacon's Semi-Paracelsian Cosmology," Ambix 22 (1975): 81-101.
  • "Francis Bacon's Semi-Paracelsian Cosmology and the Great Instauration," Ambix 22 (1975): 161-73.
  • "The Fate of Bacon's Cosmology in the Seventeenth Century," Ambix 24 (1977): 27-38.
  • "Matter Theory: A Unifying Factor in Bacon's Natural Philosophy?," Ambix 24 (1977): 110-25.
  • "Francis Bacon on Verticity and the Bowels of the Earth," Ambix 26 (1979): 202-211.
  • "Atomism and 'Subtlety' in Francis Bacon's Philosophy," Annals of Science 37(1980): 549-71.
  • "An Unpublished Manuscript by Francis Bacon: Sylva sylvarum Drafts and Other Working Notes," Annals of Science 28 (1981): 377-412.
  • "Francis Bacon and spiritus vitalis," in Spiritus: IVo colloquio internazionale del Lessico Intellettuale Europeo, ed. Marta Fattori and Massimo Bianchi (Rome: Ateneo, 1984), 265-81.
  • "Bacon's Philosophy: Some New Sources with Special Reference to the Abecedarium novum naturae," in Francis Bacon: terminologia e fortuna nel XVII secolo, ed. Marta Fattori (Rome: Ateneo, 1984), 223-44.
  • "Francis Bacon's Biological Ideas: A New Manuscript Source," in Occult and Scientific Mentalities in the Renaissance, edited by Brian Vickers (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), 297-314.
  • Assisted by Christopher Upton, Francis Bacon's Natural Philosophy: A New Source (Cumbria: Westmorland Gazette, 1984)
  • "Quantitative Reasoning in F. Bacon's Natural Philosophy," Nouvelle de la République des Lettres 5 (1985): 27-48.
  • "Mathematics and Francis Bacon's Natural Philosophy," Revue Internationale de Philosophie 40 (1986): 399-426.
  • “Instauratio instauratoris: Towards a New Editions of the Works of Francis Bacon,” Nouvelles de la république des letters 7(1987): 37-48.
  • "Bacon's Speculative Philosophy," in The Cambridge Companion to Bacon, ed. Markku Peltonen (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 121-45.